Angela Lyons
Papulankutja (Blackstone)
Born in Papulankutja (Blackstone), Western Australia in 1981, Angela spent her early years in this area, travelling around alongside her sisters with her parents, from whom she learnt about her Ngaanyatjarra culture, heritage and language. Angela later went to school in Papulankutja community, where she learnt her second language, English.
With her formal education completed, Angela married and had two children. Now her children are grown-up, Angela works as an Indigenous Ranger. This job means she regularly goes out fixing bores, mustering camels and conducting traditional burning.
Angela is part of an incredibly Artistic family, with both her sisters Mildred Lyons and Paula Sarkaway Lyons also respected Tjanpi artists. Angela’s entry into Tjanpi was in 2016 when she attended a sculpture Masterclass in Papulankutja. Despite her emerging status, Angela is creating strong, well woven works depicting quirky desert animals.

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