Puna Yanima
Mimili, SA
Puna Yanima is an artist belonging to the Yankunytjatjara language and cultural group and living in the remote community of Mimili, SA.
Puna Yanima was born in the bush, close to DeRose Hill Station in the far north of South Australia. Her father was Norman Yanima and his country was Piltati, near Nyapari, on the APY Lands. Her mother was Lucy Yanima and she was born in Indulkana. Puna spent her first years living off the land and traveling between communities with her parents and her four siblings. She grew up speaking Yankunytjatjara, and eventually moved to Indulkana as a young girl. Once Puna started a family on her own, she moved to Mimili with her partner and four children.
Puna is widely know for her cheerful, hilarious and mischievous spirit. She is a strong and innovative weaver creating stunning colourful baskets covered in wipya (emu feathers). Puna is creative in her style and experiments with basket design, she is always pushing the boundaries of weaving with Tjanpi in exciting ways. Puna is also a painter at Mimili Maku Arts and has been connecting her deep knowledge of country with the practise of painting since Mimili Maku Arts inception. As one of the community leaders, she was instrumental in developing the art centre in its early stages.
Puna continues to be one of the senior cultural leaders of Mimili Community. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge of inma (ceremonial song and dance) and culture with the next generation. Puna was introduced to the storylines of Antara as a young woman, and has since continued to integrate this knowledge into her life, passionately caring for kapi tjukula (rock holes),apu (rocks) and murpu (mountains).