Delilah Shepherd
Warakurna, WA
Delilah (Roberta) Shepherd was born in Docker River, Northern Territory in the 1970’s. Delilah now lives in Warakurna community, Western Australia with her husband Godfrey Marlya Golding.
Delilah began making Tjanpi in 2009. She primarily focuses upon basket weaving, but started extending her creations to sculptures in 2016 at a skills development workshop in Warakurna. She has also produced a number of stunning woven lampshades (pictured) as part of Tjanpi’s collaboration with Sydney-based design group Koskela.
Delilah has worked with Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council since the 1990s, and in 2019 began employment with Tjanpi as an Arts and Culture Assistant. Delilah works alongside other ACAs and also provides great support to the Tjanpi remote office in Warakurna. Delilah's lovely, gentle and wise presence brings a grace and calmness to the Tjanpi team.
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Delilah Shepherd
Delilah Shepherd
Delilah Shepherd
Delilah Shepherd