Joyce James
Warakurna, WA
Joyce James is an artist belonging to the Ngaanyatjarra language and cultural group and lives in the remote community of Warakurna, Western Australia.
Born in Laverton WA, Joyce spent her childhood between Kaltukatjara (Docker River) in the Northern Territory and Warakurna. Joyce grew up watching her grandmothers, Tjuakpati James and Mrs Newberry, making Tjanpi. She is now married to the son of senior Tjanpi artist Dianne Golding and has been making Tjanpi baskets and sculptures since 2018.
Joyce has a natural talent and design flair for making sculptural works. She has already had her work exhibited as part of Koskela's Ngalya/Together anniversary lampshade exhibition, which showed at Tarnanthi 2019, and contributed to a number of high-profile exhibition works in 2020.
Joyce says that she loves making Tjanpi artworks because when she is busy creating, she feels calm and relaxed. Joyce is also teaching her young daughter Charlotte how to make sculptural works, continuing the tradition of learning from family.